It’s time to
make renting fair

Everyone deserves a safe and affordable place to live.

But right now, we’re in a housing crisis, and this isn’t a reality for renters across WA.

It’s great that with the recently announced rental reforms that rent increases will reduce to once every 12 months, and that rent bidding will be banned. We know that not having to give up your pet to keep a roof over your head is a huge step forward.

But tenants still do not have adequate standards for rentals and can still be evicted with no reason from their home.

The Government has left the door open for this change to happen soon, and we have to keep the pressure on. States like the ACT are leading the charge with rental reforms and we can’t let WA fall behind.

Together we can end no grounds evictions and limit rent increases.

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Latest News & Media

  • New National Shelter Report shows WA falling behind on rental reforms

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    Australian renters are still vulnerable one year one from National Cabinet reforms, in this new report from National Shelter and the National Association of Renters’ Organisations (NARO). The report has found that here in Western Australia, we are failing to meet National Cabinet obligations – meaning we are failing to meet the needs of renters…

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  • Media release: Make Renting Fair Welcomes Rental Reforms


    The Make Renting Fair Alliance has welcomed yesterday’s announcement by the State Government that the first tranche of reforms to the Residential Tenancies Act has passed Parliament.  The important reforms will provide some relief for those 700,000 Western Australians in the rental market with changes including limiting rent increases to once per year, banning property managers…

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About Us

The Make Renting Fair campaign is a coalition of organisations fighting to tackle the rental crisis. Together we’ve won significant changes to the Residential Tenancies, but there is still more to do. We’re working to keep the pressure on to ensure we end no ground evictions and get minimum standards for renters in WA.

Our Alliance

The Make Renting Fair Alliance is a coalition of Western Australia’s peak housing bodies and stakeholders, and people who rent their home.