Our friends over at Better Renting have just launched their Summer Renter Researchers project and are looking for people to take part and help ensure we get minimum standards for renters.
Ever sweated through hot days in your rental? Can’t sleep at night because it’s so hot? The Better Renter Researcher project aims to help shine a light on just how hot rentals without proper insulation, heating or cooling can get.
What is the Renter Researchers project?
Better Renting will send indoor temperature trackers to renters around Australia to measure the actual conditions of their homes during summer. During the project, they’ll run surveys and establish an online community for Renter Researchers.
They’ll release reports throughout the project using the data they collect from your homes and your own experiences over summer to generate media attention and create political pressure to implement minimum energy efficiency standards for rentals. You can read one of the articles from last year here.
Sounds good, how do I take part?
If you’re keen to be a part of Summer Renter Researchers 2024, head to this form to find out more and to apply. Applications close Friday 27 October.
Every little bit counts in helping keep the pressure on the State Government to implement minimum standards for renters. Help our friends at Better Renting by taking part in this citizens sciences project!
If you’re not in a position to sign up but know someone who might be, please share the link with them. Word of mouth is our most powerful tool!